Morning Whip, Jan. 15, 2010 - Special Friday afternoon document dump
- Friday, January 15 2010 @ 05:12 PM CST
- Contributed by: filbert
- Views: 1,664
A (mostly) daily review of what's out there that caught my attention. (Yeah, it's possible I might have ADD . . .)
Except today, when I have to do two of the darn things.
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Section One: The Big Stories: 1.1: The Massachusetts Senate Race--(With BONUS correct spelling of the state in question!):
"I know more Democrats who are voting for this guy than Republicans"
Scott Brown Surges Ahead of Martha Coakley In Latest Poll
A Shot Heard 'Round the World?
Boston paper: Dem operative admits to cheating on Brown '04 state Senate race
AP Story in Boston Globe: "potential disaster for President Barack Obama and his Democratic political agenda"
Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll
Did Democrats outsmart themselves in Massachusetts?
Blundermania: Dems attack Scott Brown’s “greed” using World Trade Center; Update: It’s official. Obama to Mass. on Sunday
An unthinkable campaign ad has me thinking about the unthinkable
White House plan for ObamaCare if Brown wins: “I don’t think Scott Brown is going to win” -- Plan B? Cheat! Well . . . cheat MORE!
More after the "Read More" . . . 1.2: Haiti, with bonus coverage of why Pat Robertson is a blithering idiot:
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Danny Glover: Global Warming Caused the Haiti Earthquake -- Words fail me . . . seriously . . .
Why You Haven't Donated to Haiti Yet.
1.3: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
John Coleman’s hourlong news special “Global Warming – The Other Side” now online, all five parts here
Skeptical Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg On What Do After the Copenhagen Climate Change Collapse
Climategate - Who are the environment correspondents?
Climategate Controversy Roils the Insurance Industry
NWS Met on Florida Cold: “This is the longest stretch ever in 100 years of record keeping.”
UAH global satellite data has record warmest day for January -- because, you know, it's been so dreadfully hot all this month, so far . . .
Hansen responds to John Coleman’s KUSI Special report
1.4: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Health Care and the Constitution
Dem Congressman on ObamaCare delay: “I may as well retire”
Union Brothers and Sisters: Your Leadership Doesn’t Get It – You Deserve Better -- Sarah Palin unleashes another "Facebook Ninja Throwing Star" . . .
Will Health Care Reform Cause Nevada To Drop Out Of Medicaid?
Section Two: Things That Amuse Me: 2.1: Simians:
No simians today. Simians tomorrow, maybe?
2.2: Travel:
Owner of Midwest, Frontier airlines consolidates in Indianapolis
2.3: Sports:
Holtz takes job at South Florida; Tennessee situation unresolved
Bjorklund comes alive, helps No. 4 Vols win 66-64
UMKC falls to Oakland 87-73
Jacks, Bison set for showdown
The Turf Speech -- Joe Posnanski . . .
Jacks vs. Bison: Part I
Summit League Schools Team to Fight Hunger at Basketball Games
2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
Have You Ever Binge-Read An Author? -- Yes, in fact, I have. Several times. As often as I can, actually.
2.5: Miscellany:
Walgreen's may add fresh and prepared foods
Section Three: All Politics All The Time: 3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
Eureka, I Am a Conservative!
A Case Study on How To Hit Back At Liberals
Supreme Court Already Overturning Prop 8 Judge’s “Eleventh Hour” Decisions
The conspiracy theory conspiracy theory (a call for censorship that wasn't there) -- Would this be a cautionary "don't be a blithering idiot" tale? Or something far more ominous? (cue scary music)
An Open Letter to Everyone Who Loves America -- "VOLCANIC needs to be what we set our rage to."
Tea Partiers Taking Over the GOP, Precinct by Precinct
Why Texas Skipped the “Race to the Top”
Tea Party Leaders See Movement Becoming a Potent Force -- “I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you”.
Let the Next Crisis Go To Waste
Rasmussen: Three different Republicans within six points of Boxer in California
3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Oh, that's a new one: Blame the Computers!
Is There Anyone (or Anything) This White House Doesn’t Blame?
Obama’s Failure Can Be Blamed On Congressional Democrats – “It’s The Economy, Stupid” -- Of course, if Obama had had any executive experience, he might have been able to manage the situation, but . . .
New Poll: Harry Reid Getting Killed In Reelection Bid By Just About Everyone Including Other Democrats
3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
"Buck up or get off the truck" -- To be honest, I'm not sure who's the idiot(s) here: Steele, his critics, or Palin (although when in doubt, I tend to align with the 'Cuda's view on things . . .
Comments at Redstate and Ace of Spades show you what is wrong with Republicans today: too many punk-ass, young male Eeyores
3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
Is the FCC Above the Law? -- Well, actually, that is its purpose, yes . . . to make law without actually being Congress . . .
"John Stossel is a paranoid, insane, lying hypocrite."
Public Health vs. Free Speech -- Why "health care" is a stalking horse for collectivism . . .
Chicago’s Real Crime Story: Why decades of community organizing haven’t stemmed the city’s youth violence -- When your premises and assumptions are faulty, your conclusions and results are doomed to be wrong . . .
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime to Pay the Tax on My Beer in MD? -- because only rich people buy beer . . .
3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
Local news shows are where the biased action is -- “There are lots of things to be afraid of out there.” -- And fear drives ratings, now doesn't it?
3.6: Fear The 'Cuda--A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than "Common-sense conservatism" to describe her philosophy: Semi-permanent link for Palinmania . . .
Section Four: The Rest of the News: 4.1: The Economy:
Sweet Economy Alabama
Ford Shines as Government Motors Stumbles
4.2: Foreign affairs:
Debt-laden Dubai offers to host U.N. headquarters
Poking the Bear
4.3: Science, technology, and space:
No science. No tech. No space. We're outta here.
Except today, when I have to do two of the darn things.
I surf the Web, so you don't have to!
Section One: The Big Stories: 1.1: The Massachusetts Senate Race--(With BONUS correct spelling of the state in question!):
"I know more Democrats who are voting for this guy than Republicans"
Scott Brown Surges Ahead of Martha Coakley In Latest Poll
A Shot Heard 'Round the World?
Boston paper: Dem operative admits to cheating on Brown '04 state Senate race
AP Story in Boston Globe: "potential disaster for President Barack Obama and his Democratic political agenda"
Massachusetts shocker: Brown Up 15% in Pajamas Media/CrossTarget Poll
Did Democrats outsmart themselves in Massachusetts?
Blundermania: Dems attack Scott Brown’s “greed” using World Trade Center; Update: It’s official. Obama to Mass. on Sunday
An unthinkable campaign ad has me thinking about the unthinkable
White House plan for ObamaCare if Brown wins: “I don’t think Scott Brown is going to win” -- Plan B? Cheat! Well . . . cheat MORE!
More after the "Read More" . . . 1.2: Haiti, with bonus coverage of why Pat Robertson is a blithering idiot:
Stupid Is As Stupid Does
Danny Glover: Global Warming Caused the Haiti Earthquake -- Words fail me . . . seriously . . .
Why You Haven't Donated to Haiti Yet.
1.3: "Global warming" aka "Climate change" -- or should that be "Climate Reform?":
John Coleman’s hourlong news special “Global Warming – The Other Side” now online, all five parts here
Skeptical Environmentalist Bjorn Lomborg On What Do After the Copenhagen Climate Change Collapse
Climategate - Who are the environment correspondents?
Climategate Controversy Roils the Insurance Industry
NWS Met on Florida Cold: “This is the longest stretch ever in 100 years of record keeping.”
UAH global satellite data has record warmest day for January -- because, you know, it's been so dreadfully hot all this month, so far . . .
Hansen responds to John Coleman’s KUSI Special report
1.4: Health care "reform" aka health insurance "reform" -- or should that be health care "change?" Perhaps "Global healthing?:
Health Care and the Constitution
Dem Congressman on ObamaCare delay: “I may as well retire”
Union Brothers and Sisters: Your Leadership Doesn’t Get It – You Deserve Better -- Sarah Palin unleashes another "Facebook Ninja Throwing Star" . . .
Will Health Care Reform Cause Nevada To Drop Out Of Medicaid?
Section Two: Things That Amuse Me: 2.1: Simians:
No simians today. Simians tomorrow, maybe?
2.2: Travel:
Owner of Midwest, Frontier airlines consolidates in Indianapolis
2.3: Sports:
Holtz takes job at South Florida; Tennessee situation unresolved
Bjorklund comes alive, helps No. 4 Vols win 66-64
UMKC falls to Oakland 87-73
Jacks, Bison set for showdown
The Turf Speech -- Joe Posnanski . . .
Jacks vs. Bison: Part I
Summit League Schools Team to Fight Hunger at Basketball Games
2.4: Science Fiction and Writing:
Have You Ever Binge-Read An Author? -- Yes, in fact, I have. Several times. As often as I can, actually.
2.5: Miscellany:
Walgreen's may add fresh and prepared foods
Section Three: All Politics All The Time: 3.1: Strategy and tactics for defending human freedom and liberty:
Eureka, I Am a Conservative!
A Case Study on How To Hit Back At Liberals
Supreme Court Already Overturning Prop 8 Judge’s “Eleventh Hour” Decisions
The conspiracy theory conspiracy theory (a call for censorship that wasn't there) -- Would this be a cautionary "don't be a blithering idiot" tale? Or something far more ominous? (cue scary music)
An Open Letter to Everyone Who Loves America -- "VOLCANIC needs to be what we set our rage to."
Tea Partiers Taking Over the GOP, Precinct by Precinct
Why Texas Skipped the “Race to the Top”
Tea Party Leaders See Movement Becoming a Potent Force -- “I can explain it to you, but I cannot understand it for you”.
Let the Next Crisis Go To Waste
Rasmussen: Three different Republicans within six points of Boxer in California
3.2: The reality of Obama and the Democrat leadership as blithering idiots:
Oh, that's a new one: Blame the Computers!
Is There Anyone (or Anything) This White House Doesn’t Blame?
Obama’s Failure Can Be Blamed On Congressional Democrats – “It’s The Economy, Stupid” -- Of course, if Obama had had any executive experience, he might have been able to manage the situation, but . . .
New Poll: Harry Reid Getting Killed In Reelection Bid By Just About Everyone Including Other Democrats
3.3: The reality of the Republican leadership as blithering idiots:
"Buck up or get off the truck" -- To be honest, I'm not sure who's the idiot(s) here: Steele, his critics, or Palin (although when in doubt, I tend to align with the 'Cuda's view on things . . .
Comments at Redstate and Ace of Spades show you what is wrong with Republicans today: too many punk-ass, young male Eeyores
3.4: Opposition Research: The enemies of human freedom and liberty:
Is the FCC Above the Law? -- Well, actually, that is its purpose, yes . . . to make law without actually being Congress . . .
"John Stossel is a paranoid, insane, lying hypocrite."
Public Health vs. Free Speech -- Why "health care" is a stalking horse for collectivism . . .
Chicago’s Real Crime Story: Why decades of community organizing haven’t stemmed the city’s youth violence -- When your premises and assumptions are faulty, your conclusions and results are doomed to be wrong . . .
Brother, Can You Spare a Dime to Pay the Tax on My Beer in MD? -- because only rich people buy beer . . .
3.5: Media bias--and incompetence:
Local news shows are where the biased action is -- “There are lots of things to be afraid of out there.” -- And fear drives ratings, now doesn't it?
3.6: Fear The 'Cuda--A spotlight on Citizen Palin, who really needs to find a better phrase than "Common-sense conservatism" to describe her philosophy: Semi-permanent link for Palinmania . . .
Section Four: The Rest of the News: 4.1: The Economy:
Sweet Economy Alabama
Ford Shines as Government Motors Stumbles
4.2: Foreign affairs:
Debt-laden Dubai offers to host U.N. headquarters
Poking the Bear
4.3: Science, technology, and space:
No science. No tech. No space. We're outta here.